Board Meetings
The Board of Trustees typically meets on the 4th Monday of each month to receive reports regarding the operation of the Cooperative and conduct the monthly board meeting in accordance with the Cooperative bylaws. Notice of board meetings are posted at least 10 days prior to the meeting. These board meetings are broadcast live at each of the cooperative's district offices. Notice of emergency meetings of the board are posted at least 24 hours before the meeting but may not be broadcast because of time constraints.
Minutes of the most recent meeting are posted within 10 days after the minutes have been approved by the board, which typically occurs at the board's next meeting.
The cooperative is a private business; therefore, board meetings are not open to the general public. Cooperative members, however, may request to attend a board meeting to address the board of trustees. The request must be submitted in writing using a form available from the cooperative's attorney, John B. Williams at Williams & Hulst, LLC.
Meeting Dates & Times 2024
Meeting Dates & Times 2023