The Beneficial Suggestions Program (BennySuggs) recognizes members for beneficial ideas that help improve Berkeley Electric Cooperative’s services.
Members will be rewarded for ideas that makes the Cooperative’s mission to enhance the lives of its members more successful. This could mean a new outreach program, improving educational efforts or ways to boost safety & energy efficiency. It can even be a suggestion that improves the way that the Cooperate operates on a daily basis.
Eligible members will receive a credit on their energy bill, up to $500, for approved suggestions that are implemented. Award amounts will be proportionate to the benefits resulting from the suggested idea or the expected savings. A suggestion does not have to be new or original, but must address a specific problem and give a workable solution.
Have an idea? Please click here to read the rules and procedures first, then follow the link below to fill out the suggestion form.
Please click here to submit your suggestion.