We understand that solar company representatives have been contacting members in your area. Berkeley Electric Cooperative supports the use of renewable energy and our members’ right to pursue alternative means of generation. As a member-owned electric cooperative, however, we feel that it is important that our members are well-informed before investing in a solar PV system.
- Berkeley Electric does not sell or install solar PV systems.
- We do not partner with any solar installation company. These companies are independent businesses selling directly to members and do not represent Berkeley Electric in any capacity.
- Berkeley Electric is not offering members free electricity when they install a solar PV system.
- Members should never provide solar companies with their personal account information.
- Understand that state and federal rebates vary depending on income levels and that you may not qualify for the quoted amount.
- If members choose to finance a solar system, they should be sure that the additional loan payment is not more than their original electric bill. Factor in the cost of a new roof, if needed.
- Berkeley Electric provides a free evaluation of solar projects to ensure that members are provided with a factual analysis of benefits before the contract is signed.
The first step to any solar project is to ensure your home is energy-efficient. Producing solar energy does not guarantee a lower electric bill especially if your home has air/duct leaks or an inefficient HVAC system. Berkeley Electric offers free energy audits, low-interest home improvement loans and smart thermostat rebates to help make your home more comfortable and energy-efficient. Please feel free to contact us for more information on how we can best serve you…our member-owner.
1-800-327-9615 / becmemberinfo@bec.coop