If you need assistance paying your bill, the following agencies have immediate funds available. Please do not wait until normal business operations have resumed because funds may be depleted by then.
• ECCO (East Cooper Community Outreach)
(843) 849-9220
*Must be a client of ECCO before applying for assistance*
• Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach: (services James, Johns, & Wadmalaw Island)
(843) 559-4109
Contact: Ryan Vrba: Clients required to take Budgeting Class
• Trident United Way
Phone number: 211
• St. Vincent de Paul
(843) 727-1883
Although we have temporarily suspended disconnects for non-payment you are responsible for paying for the electricity you use, the same as you would be for any other product or service. We cannot provide electricity free-of-charge because we are a member-owned, not-for-profit utility. Forgiving electric bills would only shift the cost onto other members because the cooperative has no other source of income to offset those costs. We urge you to take advantage of our payment options and stay current with your bill as long as possible to avoid building up a large balance that will have to be paid when services return to normal.
Also, for the health and safety of both our members and employees, lobbies will remain closed until at least May 15, 2020. We are still able to serve you through our drive thru lanes, over the phone and electronically:
Smarthub app — a free download from the app store, it allows you to pay your bill from your phone, tablet or computer. You can also set reminders for payment dates and alerts for high usage.
Online bill pay at www.berkeleyelectric.coop
Kiosks — located in the drive-thru lane at the district offices in Moncks Corner, Goose Creek and Johns Island. A standalone kiosk is located inside the St. Stephen IGA.
Automated phone payment line (877-853-6731)
Electronic check
Bank draft
Other online bill pay service offered through some financial institutions